May 2014 at The Parkers

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How in the world did it get to already be half way through June?! I swear I blinked and May was over. LOL Actually, we ended up doing quite a bit in May and that’s the main reason for the lack of posts the last few weeks. We’ve been a tad bit busy with Broc’s graduation, a trip to Disney World..and oh yeah…moving across the country. More on those three HUGE events later though. 🙂
Up first, our May in review! In May we…
Tried out the #1 restaurant in Colorado Springs on Trip Advisor which happens to be Uchenna an authentic Ethiopian restaurant. I’ll admit, I was a little unsure of this place when we first walked in, but the food was actually REALLY good! (Full restaurant review to come soon…) 🙂

We played a few rounds of laser tag at Shotz Laser Tag for family night! (If you live in Colorado Springs, make sure to go on $2 Tuesdays! Otherwise you end up paying $7 per person per game.) 

We went to the mini golf course by our house one last time per Ti Guy’s request. 🙂

Quick tip, if you go mini golfing at 7 1/2 months pregnant, make sure to go with people willing to pick up your ball for you. Surprisingly, mini golf was trickier than Laser Tag with all the bending over to get my ball. Luckily, Titan was more than happy to be my ball boy. 

We celebrated my 29th birthday a little early with a trip to Olive Garden. 

And on the actual day of my birthday, Broc flew out to San Diego to help run a week long Cut Suit training course through his school. The timing of this trip wasn’t ideal, but it was such an awesome opportunity for Broc, we knew he had to take it. Having Broc gone all week wasn’t so fun, but he was able to send us the log in information for the cameras that were filming the training. So, whenever they did a training, we could sometimes catch Broc on camera. (**Note: Everything about this above photo is staged. This is not a real surgery or anything. Just a training exercise made to seem as real as possible.) 

The flowers Broc and Ti got me for my birthday. Broc left Titan with some money to pick out flowers for me while he was gone & I’d say he did a pretty good job! 🙂

While Broc was away we kept busy doing some science experiments… (More on those later, but in the photo above Ti is testing out what makes an ice cube melt faster.)

…going to Lowe’s Build & Grow Events…

…and meeting Ronald McDonald. 

We went to Mcdonalds one morning and it just so happened that Ronald McDonald was there doing a magic show, handing out flowers for Mother’s Day and signing autographs. Ti wasn’t the biggest fan of his clown costume, but we both actually enjoyed his magic show. 

And for the last few random events in May…
The Mother’s Day Breakfast Titan and Broc made for me. 

Broc all set for his last Mormon Poker Night with his RVU friends. (Yes, they themed the nights!)

And Titan at the RVU Family Picnic during graduation week. 

We went to the RVU Graduate’s Family Picnic not really expecting much and were surprised to find they had a photo booth, face painting, someone making balloon animals, a bounce house and a lot more. 

Plus, the food was pretty yummy too! They had it catered by a BBQ place and I think we all went back for seconds! 

Last but not least, Titan on his way back from a ride in Papa Dan’s G6. We went up to visit Broc’s parents in Highlands Ranch one weekend to go through storage and run some other errands and Ti’s main request was that he get to take a cruise around town in Papa Dan’s G6 with the top down. Luckily, his Uncle Brady was nice enough to make sure the request happened. 
Love that little man and his smile! 

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