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let me begin by saying, i’ve been thinking a lot lately about the balance of raising a child. how much is too much discipline? are we being to easy going? or are we being too strict? are we teaching titan the right things? are we teaching him enough? are we allowing him to be who he is? or are we stiffling him & making be who we want him to be? etc.
yes. this is a debate and struggle that crosses my mind often but usually gets put on the back burner until it’s late at night and all my mind can do is wander and think of all the area’s i need to improve in. parenting being very close to the top.
now, let me share an experience i had yesterday. last night there was an activity planned with the young women in my church. we were recognizing them for their accomplishments at a night called Young Women in Excellence. it was a night that, while very important, i actually contemplated skipping. it had been a long day and i had a lot of things i still needed to get done.
the thought kept coming to me though, “blessings come from service.” so i sucked it up & went. (i probably sound so awful right now, i really do love serving with our young women, it was just one of those days…)
any way, part of the night was a set of video’s with highlights from the girl’s lives as they were growing up & as i watched one of the video’s a very distinct thought came to me out of nowhere:
“he will only be young & at this stage for a short time, for now, LOVE your little one. build that relationship and bond. cherish him. teach him. but most important LOVE him and let him know his worth and value, he will need that foundation. be slow to anger. slow to yell. be patient. there will come a time when strong discipline will be needed, for now focus on LOVE.”
funny enough, i wasn’t even thinking about my parenting or my son, but sure enough, the answer came when i was least expecting it. i can honestly say i was very blessed for showing up and being where i was supposed to be last night.
i am grateful for answers like this that come. i am grateful for answered prayers. i am grateful for the opportunity to serve in my church and for the blessings that follow, but most importantly i am grateful for the opportunity i have to raise our little man and be a stay at home mom.
it’s so true. these years are so short and so fast. now is the time to love him and to teach him that he is important and valued! before i know it he will have all sorts of outside sources telling him who to be, and what to do, and he may not as willing to listen and learn as he is now.
there is a time and a season for all things. now while our children are little is the time to love them and teach them. the time for tough love and strong discipline will come later…probably in the teenage years! 😉
Your post made me cry. Great advice. Love the quote
What a great reminder for all moms. Thanks for sharing and I'm glad your blogging again— I've missed ya!