hooray for sunshine!

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i am loving today! i just got back from a walk to the bank with broc and the little man and the weather is gorgeous! spring has arrived! actually, it’s warm enough i could say summer has arrived! 🙂 i am still amazed that we can go from 77 degree’s today to 44 degrees and snow by monday? all well, i’ll enjoy every last second of it while i can!

we had to go to the bank because we’ve given ourselves some “money goals” and in order to meet our goal for march a deposit of $22.00 needed to be made. i would have let it slide since we had the $22.00 in broc’s wallet, but broc wanted it in the bank. 🙂

it actually made for a nice little outing. we walked to the bank, made the deposit, were handed free, very yummy, hot dogs (who knew our bank hands out free food?) and then grabbed and $0.83 diet coke on the way back at our favorite gas station. (side note: the gas station where they know us by name! since i may or may not be in there daily grabbing my diet coke!? not going to lie, i kind of love that it’s within walking distance! exercise and a diet coke in one shot! fabulous!)

any way, what could be better than a family outing that only cost $0.83 and helped us get our exercise in for the day?

oh, and since we’re talking about money, i guess i should recap my $50 challenge in march.

here is how everything panned out (minus a receipt or two that i can’t find…oops!):

March 1st – March 31st
Budget: $200.00
Full Price Total: $1,195.52
Total Savings: $1,000.20
Savings Percentage: 83.66%
Total OOP: $195.32

As of 3/31/11

Unused RR: $26.00
Unused Cash Catalina’s: $2.50
Unused Up Rewards: $3.00 + a 10% off discount pass
Rebates: $5.00 from All You for Swim Diapers, $23.00 from Rite Aid Rebate Program, $7.00 from Senekot, $12 from Nexare.

not too shabby! i think with the two missing receipts i may have been over by a couple dollars, but hey i’ll take it! it’s definitely an improvement over last month! i’m just happy that i heard the following words from my husband’s mouth last night as we looked at our finances over all:

“great job! for the first month in our marriage you’ve actually stayed on budget!” 
WOO HOO! i honestly never thought i would hear those words…like ever! the funny thing is, i really didn’t even feel all that deprived in march like i thought i would.
due to all of the money i’m saving at the grocery store/drug store i have more wiggle room in other areas and it’s great! i don’t have to feel guilty about spending $30 on a pair of shoes at banana republic (they were on sale and i had 30% off coupon), signing the little man up for swim lessons or buying fresh flowers (an orchid to be exact!) because i know i have money for it in the budget thanks to spending less on things like mayo and meat! i’m telling all of y’all, unless you have so much money you don’t know what to do with it and are giving it away…you need to start couponing and knowing where every penny of your grocery & home budget goes. food may be a necessity but spending hundreds on it a month is not! 
i looked at what we were spending on our groceries just 6 months ago and was sort of sick when i saw weekly visits to walmart and king soopers for $50, $60 & sometimes even over $100! i’m cringe now when i see a total over $20.00 for three times as much food! my how my ways have changed! 🙂 
the new shoes and my orchid in the background! 

2 thoughts on “hooray for sunshine!

  1. Kimberlee

    Great job on your couponing. I did couponing once for a bit, but then I failed miserably. It seemed so time consuming…and I bought a ton of stuff that I wouldn't otherwise buy.


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