easter 2011

 can it really be that easter has already come and gone? i am absolutely in awe of how fast this year is going for me. i feel like it should only be february… not almost may! any way here is a quick recap of our easter in photo’s! enjoy!

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saturday night broc and i had date night early so that we’d be home in time to dye some easter eggs with the little man. we ended up seeing a matinee of “water for elephants” and we both really like it. i highly recommend it if you are looking for a movie to see soon. of course, we just had to get some popcorn (no movie viewing experience is complete without popcorn!) and as soon as we got home titan wanted it dumped into “the” popcorn bowl/container and here he is sneaking some in while i’m trying to get him into pajama’s. 

the eggs all pretty and white! 

love this one! my boys experimenting with the colors! 

titan was very fascinated by the whole process

i told him to smile and this is what i got…”jazz hands”! 

can i just say how much i’m kind of loving being a brunette? i had my hair colored back in november and then i’ve colored it once on my own since and it’s holding up pretty dang good! i’m telling you if you need your hair done and you live in UT, you need to call brooke severts at amber renae salon in sandy! she is ah-mazing and was actually the one that picked this color and made the transition from blonde to brunette so so easy! 

…speaking of dye and color, here are the finished eggs!

this is how the majority of our pictures turn out with the little man lately…he’s much much too busy to hold still! 

ti’s easter basket from the easter bunny!  
sunday morning ti went on an easter egg hunt around the house to find the easter eggs that the easter bunny had hid the night before and of course he had to find his easter basket! i was too busy filming him on his easter egg hunt to get very many pictures 

in the evening on sunday we went to visit some friends in the neighborhood who just became the owners some baby chicks. they also happen to have mice and a snake. i forgot to get pictures of the chicks but did get this picture of titan with the snake. a funny moment of the night was when i was holding one of the mice and i was telling titan he could pet the mouse but he needed to be super gentle…and then i remembered that the mice were food for the snake…kind of ironic! i thought titan would be more fascinated by the animals but he was actually quite taken aback by them. he told us at one point to put the chicks back and get the scary snake away from him! i hope he always find snakes scary! ewww! lol

2 thoughts on “easter 2011

  1. Kimberlee

    I agree…time is going so quickly. I can&#39;t believe it is already May either. <br /><br />My little guy has those same sports ball pjs. 🙂


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