a visit with a black hawk

broc told me this morning that i could bring titan to his school today to see a black hawk helicopter land and take off. broc’s school was having a military symposium and so they had various speakers (including the crew of the helicopter) coming to speak to the med students.

needless to say, ti guy LOVED the helicopter and thought he could fly it, piece of cake. he kept calling it his “helicoper”.

the crew was extremely nice to us very photo happy moms and were also very cute with all the little kids who were in so much awe of the “super big helicoper”. i have to admit, i never ever thought of “the” military as being very kid friendly, but everything we have taken ti guy too they have been so patient and sweet with him. i’m more strict than they are! lol

speaking of which, i always think of people in the military as being super strict & mean and black and white, but in settings like this i’m reminded that these guys (and girls) are just like the rest of us. except they understand a little bit better that there is a time and place for all things. there is a time to follow orders & there is a time to play and have fun. there is a time to enjoy life and there is a time for fight for life.

in more simple terms, the more i am around the men and women that have chosen to serve our country, the more in awe i am of them.

any way, just some random thoughts i’ve had today. watching these men and women really made me think about discipline, balance, perspective and so many other things. i like when i have days like that. i like when i am around people who help me want to be better (even when they don’t know they are!).

now here are the photo’s from our adventure…

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titan now says he’s going to fly a helicopter when he grows up! 

looking out at the black hawk from inside broc’s school

my little runner, he’s always way ahead of me

he was trying so intently to hear something playing in the headphones, since he always hears things on ours from our ipods.

the buildings behind us are part of broc’s school
 i love the architecture of his school. i love that it’s a rather cheery atmosphere, believe it or not. just look at the yellow building! whomever planned this school did a very good job! 

it amazes me that this can fly. that it just lifts in the air and takes off. i knows there’s science, etc. behind it, but still it amazes me. 

the crew getting ready to take off

titan trying so hard to be patient & wait for it to actually take off

father & son watching the helicopter head back to the base

2 thoughts on “a visit with a black hawk

  1. Tara

    Loved your insight in this post. Something tells me this smart little ones are always going to be one step ahead of us and that Ti guy is totally going to fly one of those someday!

  2. Kimberlee

    What a great little family outing. And how cute is your little ti guy. Like you, I am often in awe by the people to fight for our country. God bless them.


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