to busy living life to blog

wow! i can’t believe this week has come and gone with only one post! it’s just been that kind of week, i guess. actually, it’s been a really good week. a week filled with work, play and lots of in-between. a week where i must admit blogging wasn’t foremost on my mind. i probably shouldn’t be admitting that, but it’s true & that’s what makes blogging so fabulous, it fits right into life, no problem. no worry. no stress. blog when you want to & don’t when you don’t want to. it’s perfect.

so what has been going on this week?

well, i’ve actually been thinking a lot about the following quote:

“no woman ever has enough time, enough energy, and enough strength to do all the good things that are in her mind to do, we have to have the help of the Holy Ghost to take care of what is most essential.”  ~ julie b. beck
i’ve really be trying to think this week about what is most essential & about how i can learn to trust the Holy Ghost more. (side note: for any readers thinking “the Holy Ghost? huh? why are we talking about ghosts?” you can find out more about my religion and what i believe here.)
i actually spoke in church a couple weeks ago about personal revelation and about how we can live more in tune with the spirit & i plan on recapturing a lot of the talk in a post at a later time, but until then just know it’s been on my mind a lot. it was one of those talks where i’m pretty sure i learned more from the talk than anyone who had to listen to it. i’ve been thinking about where i am putting my energy and my time, and really pondering if i am making the most of it. yes, that is what has been on my mind this week, among other things of course, but that has been front & center.
well, i’m off to clean out my car, do some budgeting & cook some yams! (which by the way will be another post next week! i was the recipient of some yams this morning and thanks to a super nice email from a neighbor, i now know how to cook said yams. i can’t believe in all my adult years i’ve never cooked or bought a yam? first time for everything, i guess!) 
ps. how cute is that timer?! i actually bought the same one from anthropologie a few weeks ago and love it. best $12.00 spent ever. definitely comes in handy when i’m, oh so tempted, to get lost in le blog land or need to help the little man grasp the concept of time. he may not understand time yet, but he does understand waiting for the ringing sound! 🙂 

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