Museum Day Live! | Our Visit to the Railroaders Memorial Museum



Last year in September, we took advantage of The Museum Day Live! day that is hosted by the Smithsonian magazine in which participating museums across the country open their doors for FREE to anyone with a Museum Day Live! ticket.

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I had thought that to take advantage of this event we would probably need to drive to Pittsburgh, but after doing a quick search, I found a museum participating fairly close to us (well, at least a lot closer than Pittsburgh) called the Railroaders Memorial Museum (America’s only interactive railroaders museum).  Admission to this museum is normally $10 per adult and $8 per child, so on a normal day we would pay $28 for our little family. I debated going because I figured it would probably be really crowded since it was a free day, but I am definitely glad we still went because there were no crowds at all and free is definitely better than almost $30!


For those of our who aren’t familiar with Pennsylvania and it’s history, the railroad industry at one time was HUGE in various parts of Pennsylvania. One area in particular, Altoona, was key to the railroad industry. Over 6,000 steam locomotives were built in Altoona and the area is also home to the Horseshoe Curve “an engineering marvel”. The railroad industry is of course still present in the area, but it is not nearly what it was 150 years ago. So it was awesome to be able to go to the museum, watch the historical videos, do the interactive exhibits, read all the historical facts and learn more about this area that we’ve been living in for the past year! An area I hadn’t ever even heard of until a few months before we moved to Pennsylvania. 🙂

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Inside the museum there were three floors of various exhibits that talked about everything from what working on the railroad was like and how the community grew in the area due to the railroad to how a train wreck once left tons of circus animal wandering the town. 


Of course, one of my favorite parts was watching all of the short video presentations they had. We were able to watch one about the birth of the Horseshoe Curve and another about how the Era of Steam in Altoona began and grew to what is was at it’s peak. It was fascinating to me to learn how transportation changed in the state from horse drawn wagons, to boats in the canals and finally to the fastest method (at the time) the train!

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The movies weren’t Titan’s favorite, but he humored us in them and actually ended up learning quite a bit from them.

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His favorite parts of the museum were all the interactive displays and seeing how people used to live. He especially liked checking out how different kinds of candy used to be packaged years ago. 😉

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At this station you got to see what it takes to run a train yard and to move around the tracks so that each train gets to where it needs to go each time. Titan (after finishing it), “Ok, whoever has that job has to be really organized!” LOL Of course, then we talked about how today most of it is run by computers, but yes, 100-150 years ago, it would have taken a lot of organization and man power to keep things operating smoothly.

Another fact Titan found interesting was that when the Horseshoe Curve was built, the workers were only paid $0.25 per day! And they worked 12 hour days!

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Once we finished with everything inside of the museum we moved outside to where they had a few train cars that you could walk through and look at up close.

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Last but not least, a quick treat we grabbed on the way home from the outing. At the museum Titan kept asking for a treat in the Gift Shop because he was apparently “starving”. Like most gift shops though everything was way overpriced so we promised Titan we would grab some frozen custard at The Meadows. On this visit I tried the Turtle custard and it was REALLY good! Some of the best custard I’ve ever head.

And that was our afternoon. Overall, it was a really fun and interesting museum and we all learned a lot about trains, railroads, and the history of Pennsylvania.


Don’t live in the area (or not planning a vacation to Pennsylvania anytime soon ;))? The Railroaders Museum has an awesome website where you can look at photos and do some quick virtual tours of the museum. I know it’s not as fun as doing something in person but if you’re kids are learning about trains at school or have an interest in trains, it’s a great resource filled with lots of facts and information in an easy to read and understand format! 🙂


September 2014 at The Parkers

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September for me is always the start of fall! I realize the first day of fall isn’t usually until the end of September, but I start putting up the fall decorations and pulling out my sweaters and boots September 1st. 🙂 Here is our September 2014 in photos…
I was cleaning out Ti Guy’s room and suddenly a lot of his toys and things were “new” again. Funny how that happens with kids, right?! He found a bunch of his dress up clothes (costumes I’ve picked up on clearance after Halloween) and decided this day was a great day to be Mario!
The little man hard at work on his school work.
This little cutie turned 2 months old in September and this was one of my most favorite 0-3 month outfits. In fact, I also purchased it in the 3-6 month size as well. 🙂
There aren’t A LOT of lunch restaurant options here in our area (well not as many as we were used to in CO and UT) but two of our favorite spots have definitely been Sweet Frog for yogurt…
…and Chipolte for burritos and their guacamole!
Baby Girl practicing with her binkie. We thought for a day or two she might be a binkie baby, but it never stuck. She prefers her two fingers, her middle finger and ring finger, instead.
Hanging out at church in the Mother’s Room. Since I teach Gospel Doctrine every week during second hour, this is usually where Chayse and I were the last half of first hour until Chayse was able to start eating some solids at around 4-5 months. I would nurse her and try to get her to nap so she’d be good for dad or whomever had to hold her so I could teach.
Love seeing my kitchen table full of school stuff and activities for the little man.
Hanging out at Ti Guy’s first Flag Football practice.
Every month all of the residents in Broc’s program at the hospital get together for a dinner and this month they went to our favorite Crepe place!
I LOVE the outdoor dining at the Crepe place!
In August I signed Titan up for a Pen Pal type of exchange. We only did it for a few months but we were able to receive some pretty cool things from places like Scotland & Canada.
Titan checking out the fish at the local library. There are two locations near our house and Titan likes this one for their fish and play area.
Feeding the library robot! Put a coin in and it lights up and makes all sorts of funny noises.
Chayse after her shots! She was so good. She got a little upset during the shots but then was fine as soon as I picked her up and then asleep in her carseat within 5 minutes!
And when we got home, she was pretty happy with her sparkly bandaid the nurses located just for her!
One Saturday afternoon, Broc and I fit in a quick date. We got a babysitter for Titan but didn’t dare leave Chayse yet since she wasn’t really on a schedule yet. It was so nice to get away for an hour, even though I did have to share some of that hour. 🙂
Love watching Chayse and Broc together!
More flag football practice…
Baby Girl would usually nap during the practice, which I couldn’t believe because they were SO loud!
Another visit to the library. Of course we have to stop and check out their selection off Wii games!
$5.00 flowers from our local grocery store! I grabbed these on a whim one day and couldn’t believe how long they lasted. I’ve gotten them a few times since and they always last at least ten days. Not bad for $5!
And more time in the Mother’s Room. Sometimes it’s just really hard being a two month old! 🙂

Spring Blogger Giveaway! $400+ in Prizes!

Spring General Conference Giveaway - $400+ in Prizes

It’s spring time which means General Conference , Easter, Spring Break, and good weather will be here before we know it. To help get everyone excited about this time of year, seventeen LDS Bloggers are joining me to share a few of our favorite things. We are so excited to be giving away over $400 in prizes! It’s been a treat to work with so many talented women to spoil our readers with products that strengthen the family and make our lives a little easier, too.

We as bloggers are so thankful for you – our readers! Thank you for your encouragement, comments, and time that you take out of your busy day to check in with us. We appreciate how you #sharethegood with us and hopefully we can share some with you as well!

Meet the bloggers who are taking part in this giveaway:

LDS Bloggers

Now for the giveaway! If you are anything like me, your wish list for Deseret Book is a mile long! We are excited to send two of you some fun money to spend there. We hope you love the recipes from the Six Sisters as much as we do and that Nicole Carptenter’s 5-minute messages will make family devotional more manageable! So many wonderful prizes – check them out and ENTER TO WIN below!

There are TWO rafflecopters so be sure to enter each one!

Spring General Conference Giveaway - Over $400 in Prizes!

Prize Package #1

$85 Gift Card to Deseret Book

$50 Gift Card to Sweet Salt Clothing

Fizzy Pops Young Women Zipper Pull Kit ($50 value) with

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Spring General Conference Giveaway - Over $400 in Prizes!

Prize Package #2

$85 Gift Card to Deseret Book

$75 value Food Storage Package from Thrive

Six Sisteres Stuff Cookbook

$50 Gift Card to Sego Lily Soap

Doodle Journal for General Conference by A Lively Hope

Pink Star CTR Necklace and I am a Child of God Pin from Ringmasters

a Rafflecopter giveaway

The winners will be announced and e-mailed April 2.

We’ve compiled a few of our favorite General Conference Activities, Recipes, and Ideas. Comment with your favorite traditions or add a link below!

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