Category Archives: FOOD

My Mom & Sister’s Visit to Pennsylvania

Back in July (yes, I know I am about 6 months behind, but better late than never, right?!) my sister and mom flew out to spend some time with us right after I had Chayse. Here are  photo’s from their visit along with all the details…

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My mom meeting Chayse for the first time! 

Titan was SO excited to show off his baby sister! 
While I was really excited to see that they had devoted an entire suitcase/carry on to bringing me Kneaders eclairs!!! (Don’t get me wrong, I was most excited to see them, but I mean, Kneaders eclairs were definitely a close close second!) 😉
 Just the first of MANY ways they spoiled us while they were in town.
If you are ever near a Kneaders location, you need to try these!

Chayse meeting her Aunt Tara (my sister)!
Chayse definitely got spoiled by her grandma and aunt while they were here!
Not only did they bring some things we requested that you can only get in Utah, but they also surprised us with the eclairs, some new outfits for Chayse…

…and my old doll from when I was little! Blogging friends, meet my Cabbage Patch doll, Natty Guckus.
I was SO surprised because I thought Natty was LONG gone. My sister found her though when they were doing some cleaning in storage and after washing her and all her accessories about ten times, they decided to bring her to Pennsylvania and share her with Chayse. Too funny!

Chayse sporting her new maxi skirt from Grandma Cindy. Can you believe they even make skirts that teeny tiny?! Too cute! (If I remember right, my mom found the skirt at the Provo Farmers Market and I just happened to have a onsie that matched perfectly!)
Our first dinner, we decided to take them to try out Jethro’s! I think we let Titan decide where to take them, and this is where he selected. He really likes the fettuccine alfredo and meatballs that they have. 
The next morning my mom walked past our room and saw me half asleep holding and rocking Chayse. She quickly snatched Chayse up and told me to go back to bed.

Chayse getting cuddles and loves from my sister. 

Baby yawns! 

 When I woke up a little while later I walked down stairs to find two very happy and content kids and a super yummy breakfast of some of my most favorite foods!!! It seriously almost made me cry. This mom definitely appreciated the yummy food that she didn’t have to cook and the extra sleep! Pure HEAVEN!

Getting ready to head  out for the day! Don’t look too closely at the background, we were still very much in “move in” mode considering Chayse was born only five or so weeks after we moved to PA. 
Oh this girl! 

After breakfast we hopped in the car and headed to State College, PA to go to Panda Express and Trader Joe’s. Penn State is home to the closest Panda Express here in PA and if you know my son, you know he LOVES Panda Express. 
I figured the trip would give us a good chance to show my mom and sister more than just our little area of Pennsylvania and to spoil Titan a little bit too. 

A lot of the campus was under construction when we went over the summer but even with the construction, you could still tell it’s a gorgeous campus. I LOVED all the buildings and older architecture.

…and Titan loved that they had his beloved orange chicken. 

…oraneg chicken that we almost didn’t make it in time for! Apparently Panda Express closes early during the summer, so we arrived seriously with only seconds to spare! Thank heavens we made it in time is all I can say. Ti literally got the last couple scoops of fried rice and orange chicken that they had. He was one lucky little man.

After Panda, it was over to Panera for the grown ups to get their lunch. 

And then it was off to Trader’s Joes. I had only been in one once before like 4-5 years ago and my mom and sister had never shopped there. So when we saw there was one in the area, we decided to make a quick stop. 
On our way to the store, my sister and I both jumped on social media and got a list of things that are “must haves” from Trader Joe’s. I love how now with social media, you can immediately get any info you might need/want! 

On our way home from State College, we stopped by the hospital to visit Broc at work. 

One of my favorite photos of my favorite people! 

And finally, we made it back home. Of course, since my sister and I are both bloggers, we just had to set up our purchases really fast to snag a quick photo. 😉

(Note: You can find my sister at Keep Moving Forward with Me and actually this is a good time to say that about half the photos in this post were taken by her. She was nice enough to let me grab them off her camera before she left!). 

Baby girl was awesome during all of our errands! She’s going to be an awesome little shopper, just like her brother, I can already tell… 🙂

For the next day’s breakfast, my mom and sister made pancakes so that we could try out the Cookie Butter from Trader Joe’s. This was one of the items everyone told us we had to try and we were told it goes well with pancakes. 

We also enjoyed the flowers that an employee at Trader Joe’s sent home with me after she found out I was  out running errands with a baby who was less than a week old. The customer service at Trader Joe’s really is awesome! 
After breakfast it was off to a T-Ball game of Titan’s! He was really excited that my mom and sister were going to get to see a game! 

Batter up! 

Oh how I love this little man! 

Grandma was in heaven because she got the best of both worlds. She got to watch Titan’s game AND get snuggles from a sleeping baby girl! 

…and yes, that is Titan sitting in the outfield. I think it’s safe to say being a baseball player is not in his future. 😉

He did give most of it a good go though. 

Another benefit of having my sister and mom in town was that my sister took TONS of photos for us! She captured so many great photos and moments that we wouldn’t have gotten otherwise. So grateful for that…and for all the laundry she did for me! 
Our laundry situation is all set up in our basement which is down an old set of steep stairs. My sister very nicely did at leat 5-6 loads of laundry while they were in town so that I wouldn’t have to be going up and down the stairs carrying things. Like I said, they totally spoiled me! 

Another dinner out, this time we tried out Traditions. A local Pennsylvania Dutch Restaurant and Bakery that is run by the Mennonites in the area.

Ti with Grandma Cindy and Aunt Tara. He LOVED having them here!! 

As far as our thoughts on the restaurant, it was good and fun to try out once, but I don’t know that I would go back time and time again. Definitely worth trying out at least once or twice though. 

Our view as we left the restaurant. Pennsylvania really is a gorgeous state! 
On our way back from dinner we found a fun park and decided to stop for a little bit. We didn’t last to long though because Titan needed a restaurant almost immediately upon arriving and the restrooms were all locked up. Luckily it’s a park we’ve been able to return to. 
A quick family photo taken by my sister. 
…and another yummy meal cooked by my mom and sister! Titan wasn’t the biggest fan of this meal. I think he called it, “Green YUCK!” but I really liked it. In fact, I’ve been meaning to make it again. When I do, I’ll be sure to post the recipe because it was really simply (I think) and really good! 

After that dinner it was time for some games. We all played Munchkin while I got to hold this sweet little sleeping munchkin! 

My mom and sister’s last full day in town we went to Chayse’s newborn photo shoot and then spent the rest of the day in Gettysburg. Gettysburg will be it’s own post though! This post is already REALLY long and Gettysburg would add on A TON more! 🙂

My mom and sister’s last morning in town, we ordered take out from the local crepe restaurant, Allegheny Creamery and Crepes

This was the morning that my crepe addiction here in PA began! They are just so delicious and good! Plus, I mean, you don’t get any more quaint adorable of a restaurant environment! My all-time favorite crepe is their Nutella Crepe with Strawberries and Bananas. I’d order one weekly if it fit into our budget. 🙂

Last but not least, Titan talked my mom into playing a couple quick rounds of The Ladybug Game before it was time for her and my sister to head to the airport. I have to admit, I didn’t want them to leave! It was so nice having them around  to talk to  and do things with and I definitely got spoiled having the cooking, cleaning, laundry, etc. all done for me for a few days! Plus, they helped take care of Titan and Chayse letting me rest up a bit more than I would have been able to otherwise!
Thank you again Mom and Tara for coming to stay with us and for all that you did for us!!! 
(Note: Just for my own personal record, their trip was from July 17th-22nd. So Chayse was 6 days old when they arrived and 11 days old when they left.)

Pocket Protein Kidz | A New Way To Help Your Kids Get Their Protein!

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Update: Good news! Pocket Protein has decided to extend their campaign through December 12th. And, based on the comments from all of you here and on Facebook, they have decided to lower the price of the 6-pack to only $9.95! That means with the coupon code INSPIRED the 6-pack is now only  $8.46! That’s only $1.41 per pouch and, in my opinion, a lot more budget friendly. YAY! At that price, I’ll definitely be grabbing a couple more packs for Titan.

Is healthy eating a struggle in your home? It definitely is in ours. Titan has been quite the picky eater lately and it is almost always a struggle to get him to try anything new or to eat something besides bread, chips, yogurt, etc.
Because of his selectiveness when it comes to food, I’m always on the look out for fun & easy ways to incorporate healthier items in his diet. Right now I just don’t have the time every day to puree up veggies and sneak them into some home made muffins fresh out of the oven or to make his lunches a themed event each day completely with a sandwich that looks like a fish and fruit that’s shaped into palm trees just so he will think it’s fun and eat it. Don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with any of that, I’ve done both more than once. I just don’t have the time to do it day in and day out between work, my school, homeschooling Titan, taking care of a four month old, etc.
That’s why when Pocket Protein was looking for people to review a sample of their new kids drink, Pocket Protein Kidz, I jumped at the chance to try it out. 
 Here are some details about the new Pocket Protein Kidz drink:
  • The Pocket Protein Kidz drink adheres to the same FDA regulations as juice & milk
  • Pediatrician Approved
  • Made with Real Apple Juice
  • No Artificial Sweeteners
  • No Artificial Colors
  • No Sodium Benzoate
  • Gluten-Free
  • Lactose-Free
  • Nut-Free
  • Fat-Free
  • 7 Grams of Protein + Essential Vitamins and Minerals
  • Pocket Protein is considered a food product and not a nutritional supplement
    Sounds awesome, right? I mean nut-free, glucose-free, 7 grams of protein, no artificial colors or sweeteners AND it doesn’t require refrigeration and can just be tossed in the diaper bag or a sack lunch? Where can I buy it in bulk! 😉
    Of course, that all sounds good and great in theory…but it will kids actually drink it? That was my big question. So, we put it to the test…
    When we got home from errands this evening, Titan was saying he was hungry so I told him I had a new Fruit Punch drink for him to try. While he did give it a funny look right after the first sip (he described it as a “spicier Fruit Punch,”- not sure what that means?! LOL) he did proceed to finish the ENTIRE pouch while he caught up on some YouTube…in his robe! (What can I say, the kid likes to be comfortable!) Then he asked if I had more?! When I told him that I didn’t he said, “Um, well then you should get on Amazon or something and buy more. I would definitely drink more of that. Especially after like my swim lessons and stuff. Like, I think you should buy a whole box.” 
    YAY! Mom AND Titan approved. 
    Now to be completely honest, this is not something I would purchase and use on a daily basis. It’s a little pricey for that in my opinion and just not in our budget. In a pinch though or on super busy days, I definitely think they would be nice to have on hand. 
    A pack of 6 during the campaign is $19.00, Live to be Inspired readers can use coupon code INSPIRED at checkout though to get 15% off. That makes the 6-pack only $15.20 (plus, a second 6-pack will be donated)! Not too bad considering the ingredients in these drinks, the convenience factor and that a 6-pack is being given to kids in need. 
    IMPORTANT NOTE: This campaign is ending TODAY (12/03). So if you want to get your pre-order in, make sure to do it today! 🙂 
    Well friends, that is all I have for you tonight. I have to admit, I’m feeling pretty good that I’m two for two here in December. I’ve actually made a mini goal for myself to blog every day this month through Christmas. So here’s hoping I can meet that goal!!! So far so good… 😉 
    Disclosure: I was given product to review for this post but I only ever recommend products that we actually like and use. And if you know Titan at all, you know he’s for sure not going to be giving a thumbs up to anything that doesn’t meet his high expectations! 

    How to make Quinoa

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    I discovered quinoa about two years ago when I tried it in a delicious soup my uncle made for us. I picked up a bag at Costco and since then have tried it in several recipes with great success. We make Turkey & Quinoa Meatloaf – a healthified meat-loaf that substitutes quinoa for bread crumbs – several times a month and my meat and potatoes husband always asks for more.

    I am dying to try this No-Bake Recipe that uses quinoa flakes – protein for my kiddos and me in our chocolatey yummies – yes please! A lady in my neighborhood has tried it and her families loves it! I also have this Pumpkin Quinoa Muffin recipe on file to try.
    Here are some of the health benefits of quinoa –
    • Protein Powerhouse
    • High in vitamins, minerals and protein, while low in fat and calories
    • Internal Cleanser/Detoxifier
    • High in Calcium, Potassium, and Magnesium
    • High in Iron – Boosts brain power and energy
    • High in Vitamin B – keep those moods under control

    Sounds awesome, right?

    I recently made Quinoa and Parmesan Cheese Stuffed Tomatoes. They were so cute and so easy! The concoction had a Mexican flair and taste that I loved.

    Here is the recipe I modified. I took the suggestions from the comments and reviews.

    Quinoa & Parmesan Cheese Stuffed Tomatoes
    Modified from


    1 tbsp butter
    1 small yellow onion, diced small
    3-4 cloves garlic, minced
    2 cups vegetable or chicken broth
    1 cup uncooked quinoa
    1/4 tsp salt, or to taste
    1/4 cup Parmesan cheese
    4-6 Tomatoes


      Preheat oven to 350.

      In a medium sized pan, sautee the onion and garlic in butter or olive oil over medium-high heat for 3-5 minutes, until onions are just soft. Reduce heat to medium low.

      Hollow out tomatoes. Puree seeds and juice in the blender.
      Add the broth, puree, and quinoa (I subtracted however much puree I had from the amount of broth I used). Cover, and allow to simmer until liquid is mostly absorbed and quinoa is cooked, about fifteen minutes.
      Remove from heat, and gently mix quinoa to distribute any excess moisture.
      Place quinoa mixure in hollowed out tomatoes. Season with salt to taste, and top with Parmesan cheese, or, for a vegan version, mix in nutritional yeast instead of the cheese.
      Bake for 15 minutes at 350.
      Makes 3 servings of vegetarian quinoa.

      (I am linking up to Beauty and Bedlam’s Tasty Tuesday!)