check, check and check!

phew! what a monday! thankfully, what a good monday! it always amazes me how much i can get done in a day when i wake up early, stay focused and prioritize.

here is what was on my “to do” list today, a snapshot into my life, if you will:

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  • wake up at 5:00 am and do some work for freebies2deals – post was supposed to be done by 7:00 am but because of some html issues on my end, went until 8:30 or 9:00 (i do have to admit there was a break from 6:15-7:00 where i watched a show while i was waiting on some things…don’t worry i’m not paid by the hour, lol)
  • spend some time reading, pondering and praying 🙂
  • order and pay for this week’s bountiful basket! hooray for fresh produce! send out some emails to the neighborhood group and get everything organized for the week. 
  • call and schedule our weekend in vail! so excited!
  • call and make a final payment on a loan and get the account completely closed out! (thank heavens on this one, it’s been a little bit of a joke over the past couple months!)
  • fill out some rebate paperwork and get it mailed in
  • finish and mail in our state taxes
  • figure out titan’s swim lessons and schedule them! summer will be here before we know it, and we spend lots of time around water! woo hoo! 
  • plan out my shopping trips for the week & organize coupons for the trips
  • research “correct” way to freeze my own fresh produce
  • execute three of the planned shopping trips: walgreens, rite aid & walmart
  • get an oil change in my car
  • attempt to clean out car 
  • figure out easier way to back up main computer
  • decide what to take for an appetizer tomorrow at enrichment
  • do a quick pick up of rooms/sort laundry for tomorrow
  • get gas at costco (the only reason i ever go there lately)
  • and last, go swimming with broc and titan for family night 🙂
i’m sure many of you have much more jammed pack days, but for me, i’m feeling pretty good about this one. it was a good balance of work, play and family time. all i can say is check, check and check! i got everything done! now, that’s a good feeling! 
…and with that said, i’m kind of tired and headed to bed! hope you all had a productive monday as well! 🙂

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