be back soon!

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i’ll be taking a break from blog land for a short little while. between nannying full-time for the next 8 days, getting more hours over at freebies2deals (hooray!) and still being a mom & wife, first and for most, i’m going to be pretty busy!

don’t worry (all 6 of you that read the blog) i’ll be back, it just might be a week or two before i am! 🙂

ps. there may be one more post i’m putting the final touches on between now and then…but i make no guarantees!

xo cambria

2 thoughts on “be back soon!

  1. Dwight and Kristian

    lame. how dare you leave us 6 important people hanging! 🙂 i seriously LOVE your blog though. i check it religiously. this will be a tough few weeks. BUT… enjoy your time away.

  2. Cambria

    Kristian you are SO SWEET and I am so so happy you are one of my 6 faithful readers! LOL Actually there's a couple more than that…but you are one of my favorites! Thanks for commenting and let me know you care! 🙂 I'll try to sneak on once or twice so I'm not AS lame! Ha ha!


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