Category Archives: GROWING UP

So Thoughtful

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I was helping Titan pick up some of his toys the other day and came across this airplane. Upon closer examination, I realized there was some candy in with the pilot. 
That realization sparked the following conversation with Ti Guy: 
Me: “Hey, why is your treat in here? Didn’t you want to eat these?”
Titan: “The pilot needed snacks. You have ta have snacks on a plane.” 
Me: “Oh, so where is he flying to? Is it a long flight? “
Titan: “No, it’s just to Utah”
Me: “Oh, so why does he need snacks? That’s a short flight?”
Titan: “Just cause. Just in case he needs snacks and his mom go “No, I didn’t bring money for that!” then he’ll have them.” 

Oh my goodness! This little man cracks me up on a daily basis. After laughing for a minute, I did realize a couple things.

1) It must be sinking in that when I really mean what I say when I tell him he better bring a snack from home because I’m not bringing money with me for snacks at stores or on errands & 2)  I love that his imagination is developing so much so that he knows his pilot is going to UT, and he thought ahead enough to packs snacks for the pilot. 🙂 Love watching his little personality grow and develop!