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things are a little crazy around here this week. over the course of the past week…
my little brother came home from his lds mission ( a huge suprise since he wasn’t set to come home until end of september, but was granted an early release for special reasons which i will post more about in another post. don’t worry, he’s happy, healthy & whole! it was a good release but for bittersweet reasons)
my sister-in-law had her open house here in colorado which meant putting together all the arragements again and another night of heels and celebration.
our internet went kaput. my father-in-law and broc have been attempting to fix it, but with no success yet. luckily we do have access on one computer. of course it’s not the computer that has all my photo’s or information – so i’m praying it gets fixed sooner than later so my posting can continue and with photos! 🙂
also, since i couldn’t be there when my little brother came home, we invited him out here to colorado for a weekend in september. so happy he accepted and we were able to get everything coordinated & planned so last minute yesterday! he’ll be coming the weekend of the BYU vs. Air Force game and yesterday was the last day for broc to be able to get the good tickets discounted, we were literally coming in right under the wire getting everything planned. it will definitely be a fun weekend though! i can’t wait to see him and introduce him to the little man. yes, that’s right, he has not met the little man other than on one skype session on sunday. he left on his mission in september and titan was born in november. so strange to think he has never met the little man who is getting to be not so little. thank heavens for skype! i was so sad we couldn’t actually be there when he got home. the skype session helped though.
and of course, i’ve been busy keeping up with the munchkin himself. he is full of it, to say the least. a good full of it though. a funny full of it. a cute full of it. a curious full of it. basically just full of it! the following are pictures of some of his latest antics…
when we moved in we left his bouncer in the garage and actually put some stuff on top of it. well, one day he followed grandma out to the garage and saw the bouncer and decided he need to be in to…pronto! so he threw everything off the bouncer and proceeded to start climbing right in. he finally made it in with some help from grandma who was afraid he was going to fall right on his head. once in, he proceeded to proudly bounce and was in heaven. needless to say, the bouncer is now back in the house in it’s rightful position. my son, the bouncing machine! i have no idea what the weight limit is on this thing? i’m sure he’s probably over it, but he loves it so so much. i’m thinking we’ll give him another month or two and then it’ll have to disappear by his second birthday! so funny!
Um …. pretty sure the mini man can't be turning two already!
Um… pretty sure he is in just over 2 months! Kind of crazy if you ask me!!! 🙂