a new leaf has been turned

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i mainly just have to post this because i know my mom read this blog and when she reads this she will probably die of shock, and ask what has happened to her real daughter, the one who loves to shop and never uses coupons because she doesn’t want to be bothered with them or have to remember them.

here’s the story. i ran out of shampoo before we left to utah but figured no biggie because i knew i could borrow from family while in utah and then buy some the next time i was at the store. well, the trip came and went and i forgot that i was out of shampoo until i was back in colorado and in the shower needing it (of course!). i decided a hat day it was until i could run to king soopers that night after a young women’s activity. easy enough, right?

well, i got into king soopers and went to grab the shampoo i normally buy and saw that if i bought four i got four dollars off as part of a store promotion, and that triggered me remembering the two “buy1get1free” coupons sitting at home. now the me of maybe even just 6 months ago would have said, “who cares! i need it now! i cannot wait another minute! besides, who wants to come back!”

the me of now though, thought “holy crap, that’s quite a bit of savings and shampoo is a good thing to stock up on.” so, home i went empty handed until i could return the next morning with my coupons in hand.

sheesh! i admit, i barely recognized myself. i guess you can say i have crossed over into the couponing world! i honestly never though it would happen. 🙂

honestly though, look at the difference:

scenario 1: 

i walk in without coupons and buy 1 item. out of pocket cost for one bottle of shampoo: $3.00

scenario 2: 

i walk in with coupons and buy 4 participating items for the promo. out of pocket cost for 2 shampoos, 1 hairspray and 1 conditioner (my most favorite conditioner ever, you may remember it from here!): $1.60

um. hello! i got three extra products and spent half as much!  you have got to be kidding me! that is totally worth the trip home to grab the coupons, especially since the store really is not that far away! so glad i was listening to new me and not old me! 🙂

ps. since we are sort of on the topic of hair. i saw this cover of kate beckinsale and am totally jealous of her hair. see now, if i could get my naturally curly hair to look like this, then i would be all over the curly look. of course, i do realize she had a whole team of style experts to achieve this look, but seriously, why couldn’t my curly hair just cooperate and look like this without a team??? i don’t think that’s asking too much! really, i don’t!

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